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You’re tired of just going through the motions in your motherhood journey. You’ve done everything “you’re supposed to do” per society and family pressures.  You’ve compromised your needs and desires to fit into the motherhood picture you were told  it was supposed to be.  But you’ve had it with playing a role that just doesn’t fit! You’re ready to OWN your motherhood and start defining it yourself.  You're craving to take your power back and finally live life on your OWN TERMS.
Are you ready?

4 weeks

The 4-week package is for those ready to commit to positive change in their purpose and motherhood.  Weekly sessions will focus on gaining clarity on your WHY as a woman and mother, what sets your soul on fire and what gets you excited! Once established, we work together to uncover what’s been keeping you feeling stuck and unsatisfied.  We begin to address both internal obstacles such as limiting beliefs and subconscious negative thought patterns AND perceived external obstacles such as time, energy, etc.  You will leave the 4-week program with a deeper understanding of yourself, tools to keep you on task when the 4 weeks are over and a renewed sense of passion and purpose.

(4 - 60 minute sessions)

*All packages include weekly homework and unlimited support and feedback
via text or email 

8 weeks

The 8-week program is for those wanting to go deeper and learn even more about themselves and their purpose.  In the 8-week program, we uncover your unique super powers, the individual gifts you were born with and the purpose assigned to you and you alone!  We cultivate all of this information and create a plan of action so you can live in best alignment with it!

(8 - 60 minute sessions)

*All packages include weekly homework and unlimited support and feedback
via text or email 

12 weeks

The 12-week “Redefine” program is designed to take you from stuck, burnt-out and energetically exhausted to “Holy sh*t, I love my life!”  The sessions are an additional 30 minutes in length allowing us to cover even more each session.  Sessions may include added modalities such as visualizations, meditations and movement.  The 12-week program includes everything covered in the 4 and 8 week programs plus tarot readings, learning about your unique archetypes and doshas, diving deep into fears, obstacles and more.

(12 - 90 minute sessions)

*All packages include weekly homework and unlimited support and feedback
via text or email 

*ALL PIF clients receive a welcome box shipped directly to their home filled with handpicked items JUST for them!


Cecilia creates containers for transformation. Her power lies in her presence. During our sessions I felt safe & seen, allowing me to dive deeper into fears and begin the process of clearing subconscious blockages. She offers exercises to lean into during sessions and tangible tools to support growth outside of the coaching container.

© 2024 by Cecilia Rivera Coaching

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