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How to Create Your ‘Word of the Year’ (Part 1)

Cecilia Rivera

If you attended my annual Reflections event this past November, we did this live together.

But if you didn’t, here’s how you can create your word of the year!

Journals and Stationary, Journal Cover "Today I am Grateful"

First, take some time to reflect on the previous year.

What major themes came up? 

What was something you struggled with?

What's something you're really wanting to work on this year?

Our word for the year is powerful. It’s an affirmation all in itself. It’s something you’re striving for, so you want it to be the back-bone of your actions for the year. It's the driver of your intention.

Second, begin to allow yourself to play here.

What words are coming up?

Allow all of them in and don’t push any away.

I remember the first time I did this a few years ago, my word came to me pretty quickly, and then I tried to push it away.

Why?! Because I thought it wasn’t positive enough! *eye roll*

ALLOW everything to come up.

And if you want to hear my experience related to the above, watch this video.

Third, often times the first thing that comes up is the thing we are struggling with and need to work on the most. Don't get scared when this happens...

For example, you may hear in your head “control”, “guilty”, “regret”, etc. 

Instead, turn the word into the intention you want. 

You can switch the word to “surrender”, “confident”, “peaceful”, or to whatever other word that speaks to you and holds the intention you want for the year.

Lastly, consider how you will be supporting yourself in bringing forth the energy of your word of the year.

You don’t want this to be something you declare at the beginning of the year and then forget about it. 

Ask yourself: “How can I ensure that this is at the forefront of my mind?”

"What practices can I do to consistent show up as my word?"

"Who can help with this?", etc.

Stay tuned for PART 2 dropping next week and to have it delivered straight to your inbox, sign up here.




Cecilia creates containers for transformation. Her power lies in her presence. During our sessions I felt safe & seen, allowing me to dive deeper into fears and begin the process of clearing subconscious blockages. She offers exercises to lean into during sessions and tangible tools to support growth outside of the coaching container.

© 2024 by Cecilia Rivera Coaching

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