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3 Ways to Increase Your Reading and 🌶 Mid-2024 Book List

Updated: Aug 1

Whether you love reading and don't miss a day or want to return to it after a long break post-kids, let me inspire you with some of my reads this past year.

I promise you, this won't be another boring list. Think spice level Ghost pepper 🌶️

I'll also give you 3 tips on exceeding your reading goals for the remainder of this year!

Did you set a reading goal for yourself this year?

If you did, how’s it going?!

If you didn’t, it’s never too late to start...

I love to start one at the beginning of the year, but there is never a bad time to start a reading habit. I usually set a goal for the number of books for the year but you can also set a goal for the number of pages a day or the amount of minutes listened for audiobooks.

If you're struggling with starting a reading habit or just want some quick tips on how to find your mojo for reading again, take a look below.


1. Think outside the box in terms of when, where, and how to read.

I have been a die-hard paper book reader for the majority of my life. It wasn't until a friend told me about the free Libby app through our local library and the sheer volumn of the books she was able to read in a year by listening instead of reading on paper, I was intrigued. I was still reistant, but finally gave it a shot a few years ago and never looked back once I read that first book!

Pre-kids and when my kids were very young and went to bed early, I would read at night. Then there came the time when I was too tired to read at night and thought to myself, "oh well, there goes my reading habit" and it did fall to the wayside for a bit. But once I was willing to see other times I could carve out to read, I began to pick it up again. I started reading first thing in the morning before the kids got up and that became my new reading time.

Since moving, my kids school starts WAY earlier than before and I have to be up the earliest I've ever had to in order to get them ready, pack lunches, etc. So again, the reading fell to the way-side. But then, what seemed like a massive waste of time in my schedule (the school pickup line that is 45 minutes) became a time for me to savor my reading. I have missed that time over the summer and have committed to a specific paper reading time yet.

2. Join or start a book club.

I started my own book club in 2020 when I was craving connection during the lockdowns. No suprise, I was hesitant at fist to start it and the self talk sounded a lot like this:

"What do I know about running a book club?"

"What if I suck as a leader and the book club sucks?"

"What if no one joins" and so on.

But thanks to a wonderful coach (shout out to @stormy), she reminded me that just because I had those thoughts, didn't mean they were true and to stop thinking about what could go wrong and reminded me about what could do right.

Well, a lot went right. I ran that book club for nearly 3 years and the ONLY reason I ended it was I had a lof of other pursuits I wanted to see come to life and I needed the extra time to work on those, like my coaching and my #MCM show.

I am so glad that I ran that club and encourage you to start one if you are interested. At this point, I am loving being a member of a club run by someone else, but maybe in the future I will re-start it!

3. Share your goal with a friend.

Accountability has been the key to success with me in everything. In improving my marraige, in working on my own personal developent, in my physical health, taking scary action on the stuff that was really life changing, really in everything.

If having a reading goal or habit is really important, find a friend with a similar interest or at least wanting accountibilty too and hold each other accountable for your goals. You can do a daily check in and some words of encouragement. Sometimes it's the littlest things that make the biggest impact.

If you don't have a accuntabilty buddy you can reach out to, consider joining my Accoutability Club - think a group of besties all circling around you and your goal, cheering you on. The Accountability Club is only for supportive moms who love to rally and support each other's dreams. You can find all the info on this new club I just created here.


What did I read this year?

Since January, I've managed to read some incredible books that I'd love to share with you. Here’s a look at my reading journey so far, along with a brief description of each book:

1. The Cultural Contradictions of Motherhood

By: Sharon Hays

I found about about this book while listening to a podcast.

I wish I could recall the exact podcast because I'd link

it here but one of the speakers referenced this book

when speaking about where we get our cultural beliefs

from in motherhood. As soon as I heard the basics of the book on that podcast, I knew I had to read it. This one isn't a beach read but it's an in-depth examination of

our motherhood beliefs spanning centuries. It's eye-

opening, it's thought-provoking and it should be on your

"must read" list if you're wanting to examine the paradox

of motherhood, community and our current cultural norms sounding mothering. I got my copy on

2. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

By: V.E Schwab

This was a fun one and exactly what I needed after the seriousness of the previous book. This book was the January pick in the book club I participate in locally, No Bad Books Club. This is a romantic, science-fiction book about a girl that makes a deal with the devil and how she's banished to pay for that dea lfor a lifetime. Combining history with romance and adventure, I enjoyed this book. I listened to this one through the Libby App using my local library membership. If you don't already have the Libby App, you can download it for free here and listen to audio books for free through your local library membership. I always look for my audio books through this app first before buying through Audible. Hey, what not?!

3. None of This is True

 By: Lisa Jewell

OH, I LOVED this one! The perfect amount of sick and twistded. Can you tell I have an ecletic taste for books? Just wait, I'm not done shocking you yet. This was fantastic. This was our February pick in No Bad Books Club and boy am I grateful for it! I loved it. Finished this on Audible in about 2.5 days. I listened in the shower, walking my dog, loading the laundry machine - basically anytime I could listen, I did. Woweee, that was a good one! You can get your copy here and thank me later.

4. We Were Witches

By: Ariel Gore

So I saw this one of a friend's reading list and I decided to give it a go. Not one I'd necessarily pick up and read based on the synopsis, this was a let-me-choose-this-for-that-exact-reason-book. Sometimes we choose to read for enterrainment, sometime's were looking to see ourselves in the story and sometimes we just want to learn - too view through the lense of a totally different perspective. Because I wouldn't do a quick description juticse, I'll link the Good Reads description here and let you know I listened to this one on my Libby App.

5. Rock, Paper, Scissors 

By: Alice Feeney

No Bad Book Club's March pick, Rock Paper Scissors was AHHHHH-mazing. I remember where I was listening to this audio book when the biggest BOMB in the book was dropped, it was that memorable. This one blew my mind with that twist and once I hit that point in the book, it was game on to how fast I could finish this one. 3 days I devoured this wild mystery. Mmmmmmm mmm mmm! So good! I got this one in the Libby App!

6. Ruthless Creatures 

By: J.T Geissinger

Book club pick for April, another new one for me - erotic fiction! Okay, so at first I found this hard to listen to. Pun kinda intended. However, I was invested and pushed on. Why can all I think about now are puns?! Anyway, it ended up not being as terrible as I thought and the action ended up pushing the story along. But be prepared, this is your warning, there is a cliff hanger that I was TOTALLY not expecting at the end and, well, see #7 and #8 below. Got my copy of Audible.

7. Carnal Urges

By: J.T Geissinger

Of course this had to be a 4 part series that I had no idea until the last Chapter when the 1st book dropped a major cliffhanger. I wish you could have seen my face! It was a, "oh, no!!!! Now I HAVE to read the next one!" look mixed with a laugh. And the rest is history here. I won't give you a spoiler, but it was a fun read (or listen in my case) if you're into this kinda book! I got my copy of Audible.

8. Savage Hearts

By: J.T Geissinger

Finally we are at Part 3 of 4 and this one puts a bow on some of the happenings in Book 1 and 2. It was good, got through it quick, but the cliffhanger in this third book of four, just didn't capture me enough. I flew the white flag on this one. I didn't go for the last and final book 4. Three was enough for me. This book wrapped (at least I think, the story of the 3 main characters). If you read or listed to book four, let me know you're review and if I'm missing out! Got my copy on Audible.

9. Extreme Ownership

By: Jocko Willink + Leif Babin

I had been wanting to read this book for sometime now

and normally I read all my self-help, personal development-type books in paper because I love to highlight and

write all over them. However, I felt like I would continue

to come up with time excuses not to read this one if I had

to read it in paper. I took the leap and listened on Audible.

10. Emotional Sobriety

By: Tian Dayton, Ph.D

I loved this book. This was my go-to-read in the school pick up line. This was my, I can't read this without a pen and multiple highlighters, book. As someone who has been craving learning all about complex PTSD and dysfunctional families and the related relationship trauma that occurs from them, this was an absolute gem. If you

feel you could use some support, validation or what feels like a hug in a book, if you've experienced alcholoism in your family or other dysfunctional or mental illness in a parent, you'll love this book. I had to get this in paper and got my copy on Amazon.

11. Funny Story 

By: Emily Henry

May's book club book, Funny Story, would't be on my reading list, but my desire to connect with other moms

in a warm, friendly and fun away, trumps what I am reading. I'd read a text book if that's what was the pick. I just love the group of ladies. That being said, my review of the book was 3/5. It was just ok. I thought it was predictable and after reading all the spicy, crazy, bomb-dropping books, this was a little too mild for me. But it is a casual beach, plane, whatever read! I got my copy on Audible.

12. First Lie Wins

By: Ashley Elston

Back to my kind of book - mystery, suspense, death, a false identify, questioning what's true and what's a lie, this book had me listening like my life depended on it again. Another reason I love audio books - the author's voice or accent, even the music, it's such an experience and makes my driving and chores way more fun! June's book club book was a 4/5/5 for me. Got this one with my monthly Audible subscription.

13. The Life Council

 By: Laura Tremaine

Oh how I loved this book! I learned of this book through Libby of Diary of an Honest Mom. She occasionally posts

her book lists and I always pay attention to them. I think she is amazing and what she does for mother's is just as amazing. This was a super quick read but also full of great information. Part memoir, part practical guide, this is one mom's road map to satisfying female friendships as an adult. This one gets a 5/5 from me and inspired me to be more intentional with my friendships and to support other mothers looking to do the same. I got my copy that you know I had to highlight and write in on Amazon.

14. Happiness: A Memoir The Crooked Little Road to Semi-Ever After

 By: Heather Harpham

I loved this one. I'm not a huge memoir

reader, but I loved this story. I resonated with the author's life as the mom of 2 children close in age. I could feel her emotions as she described her experiences in the book. I read this one in paper and got in from Thrift Books. 99% of the time, if I'm not in a rush to recieve the book (need it in less than a few days), I always check . I love that I'm not contribution to more production and the books purchased from there are all 2nd hand.

Setting a reading goal has been incredibly rewarding for me, and it's helped me discover so many wonderful stories.

If you haven't set one yet, why not start now? Whether it's a specific number of books or simply dedicating a certain amount of time each day to reading, you'll find it to be a wonderful experience!

Happy reading!

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